Faith Comes Through Hearing… 

Please Select an Article below to study and further strengthen your faith for healing

A God Under Authority

The secret of being in and exercising Godly authority is to be under THE authority, walking in lockstep, in perfect alignment with the Lord and the Holy Spirit’s leading. Only then are we in proper position to receive not only all the favor and blessing the Lord has for us, but to exercise all of the authority that we have through Him from the Father.

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Things to Consider When Contemplating Healing/Deliverance Ministry

When a believer is contemplating Healing/Deliverance Ministry, there are a number of matters that should be considered. The first is that God is not an ATM machine, standing ready at our beck and call to instantly zap us to free us from of a particular hangup, so that we can thereafter continue on in our rebellion. On the contrary, it is a Holy War, and war is a process which requires our total surrender before victory is achieved.

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Prayer of Surrender

[NOTE: In healing ministry, we require that prior to the first ministry session the suppliant recite out loud this Prayer of Surrender every day for seven days. It needs reiteration and time to sink in. Please be intentional and deliberate in your recitation. These...

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Dr. Rapha’s Miracle Elixir

Note: The below hypothetical conversation arose out of a discussion of the truth of the promise in Psalm 103 that God “heals all your diseases” when we know so many people die from disease. What is at work here, I believe, is the same dynamic as is applicable to the...

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Critical Truths: How Things Really Work in the Kingdom of God!

The Slide Pack will further support and complement the Articles, and set forth in simple terms a number of the key understandings that we desperately need, to really progress with the Lord and see His plan unfold for our lives. We need to think correctly about what the Lord is really like, how the Kingdom is really governed, and who we really are in Christ Jesus. This is critical!

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Healing is God’s Justice

If you take away one thing from this essay it should be this: the question of whether you deserve healing, or are “good” enough to get God’s attention, is the wrong question. Get it out of your mind as it will crush your faith.
The right question focuses on Christ and not you and is this: can God be relied upon to do justice? – to uphold the legal consequences of Christ’s work on the cross in removing the Curse of sin, and its consequences like disease, from you? Since He is just, the answer, of course, is YES. He can be relied on to do justice and therefore heal.

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Healing 101

Today’s prevailing theology generally tells us that our only hope for freedom from the devil’s whip is secular medicine or treatment, after which at some point we can offer a prayer or two, being assured, however, by many evangelical leaders that God is “sovereign” and therefore may or may not (usually not) rescue us from our affliction, because He is supposedly working out greater purposes than “merely” freeing us when the devil is whipping us mercilessly, for example, with cancer or depression… But is that how Christ responded when asked to rescue His brethren being destroyed by the devil with disease?

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Our Authority Over Unclean Spirits & Disease

INTRODUCTION We say we believe Jesus and the Scripture promises regarding our salvation and acceptance into heaven at the end of our lives, and so we do. But the Scripture also says this about our lives at present and the battles we face right now: Jesus summoned His...

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Christ – God’s Covenant Response

The Gospel of Jesus Christ – meaning the GOOD NEWS of the Father’s act in sending to earth His only begotten Son, is more sublime, subtle, profound, fantastic, and glorious than we can possibly imagine. Its breadth spans as far as the east is from the west, its height as high as the heavens are above the earth, and its depth as deep as the deepest abyss of Hell. And this is why…

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The Anchor of the Soul

God realized that humans would view His Promises as a man’s promise which is often broken, and so in His grace, He secured His Promises by a death oath. Why? Because He knows that doubt is deadly to faith and the promises are only realized through faith (and patience). Therefore, the Father did this in His great mercy for our minds, which is always the battleground. Please understand: If God failed to comply with any promise to us, he vowed to be as the dead animals over which He walked…

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The Promises of God

George Mueller has said: “I would carefully, quietly, deliberately examine and see whether what I was trusting for was something in accordance with His promises in his written word. Then if I found it was, the amount of difficulties would be no hindrance to my trust.” It should be exactly the same with every one of us who call ourselves by the Name of Christ…

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Why We All Need Deliverance

Introduction Today’s post-Enlightenment, post-modern Western theology might concede that there may be a few people out of every thousand or so actually “possessed” or tormented by demons, but it’s certainly not something that “proper folks” (i.e., you and me) need to...

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The Problem of the Lie

Many of us find life to be an incessant struggle, an overwhelming and endless series of confrontations with one impossible or unsolvable circumstance after another, as we constantly battle fear, anxiety, and worry, trying frantically to get our breath despite the billowing waves crashing down upon us. Is that the life God really intends for us?

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The Theology of Helplessness

Can you imagine? Jesus was ticked! The Jesus of Love and Compassion came down publicly on His disciples like a ton of bricks! This was not Jesus, the gentle Lamb of God – this was Jesus, the Drill Sergeant, or better yet, the Commander-in-Chief of the Heavenly Host! And He was not happy! He didn’t say “Nice try, better luck next time”, presumably because this isn’t JV basketball – this is the Battle of the Ages for the souls of men…

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What Really Happened on the First Christmas

That is the essence of Christmas – God, the Maker of Heaven and earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars, sent a representative from the Kingdom of Heaven to earth in human form. Certainly, that is no less fantastic than Superman arriving from the planet Krypton to save the earth – yet, according to the first Christmas accounts, this really happened…

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Possession Vs. Oppression

Therefore, Paul is quite clear in Romans 7 that evil dwelt within him. The Holy Spirit, then, can and does reside with evil, sin, and disease in the same person, just in different parts of that tripartite person. So it would be logical and Scriptural to conclude that nothing prohibits a demonic presence to also be there, and, accordingly, any believer can be sorely afflicted in his flesh by the Enemy.

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The Meaning of the Book of Esther

There is a great deal of confusion surrounding the meaning of the Book of Esther. Many scholars dismiss it as history, find it irrelevant as theology, and have consigned it to the domain of the arcane as meaningless for present day believers. However, I submit that the Holy Spirit penned the book and for that reason it constitutes sacred Scripture on a par with any other biblical book. In fact, as you will see below, in my view it should be the anthem of every believer and spiritual warrior.

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How to Have Mountain Moving Faith

How do we get mountain-moving faith? This is the faith of Abraham, the “father of us who believe.” And what was his secret? The Scripture tells us in Psalm 25:The secret of the Lord is for those whofear Him. He will make them to know His covenant!And what was the Abrahamic Covenant?Scripture also shows us…

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How to Receive and Keep Your Healing

The fundamental fact of healing is this: God has “visited us and accomplished redemption for His people… and rescued us out of the hands of our enemies” (Lke. 1:68-74), but that rescue, although already accomplished, must be received, with open hands, and tenaciously protected and held onto, because not only is Satan a liar, “he comes but to steal, kill, and destroy” (Jhn. 10:10)

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Healing Passages

This is a summary of the primary healingpassages in the New Testament. We should ensure that we are familiar with all of the various healings recorded forour edification and the building up ofour faith. There is no substitute for our meditating upon the actual Word of Godto prepare ourselves for ministry and reorient our thinking so that we are receptive to, and have great expectationof, His healing touch.

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Savior and Healer: The Indivisibility of Christ

The translators translated the same words differently to fit the context since the operative Greek verb “sozo” means to be healed or saved. That is no accident, nor is the fact that Christ spoke the same exact words to both ladies – one physically sick and one spiritually sick. Because Christ used the exact same words in both situations, there is only one conclusion to be drawn: in the eyes of Christ, being physically healed and being spiritually saved are two aspects of the exact same thing!

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From this site, you can:

  • Arrange for free personal ministry if you can be present in the Houston, Texas area for your initial ministry session (@ 4 hours), and you can participate in follow-up ministry by Skype
  • Arrange for a healing presentation at your church or retreat
  • Educate and encourage yourself about God’s healing assurances by reviewing the linked articles  on healing and deliverance
  • Review the other linked essays which provide insight into the absolute magnificence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

We trust that you will be blessed by our God as a result of your visit!

Reach Out For Deliverance

If you need ministry, and are located near the Houston, Texas area, or you would like a healing presentation at your church or retreat, please send us an email. We will reply promptly and we will try to accommodate you.

Ministry Disclaimer

This is strictly a prayer ministry and website. The contents of the website, and any ministry offered, should not be considered professional advice, counseling, or therapy. We are not doctors, medical professionals, therapists, counselors, or clergy. We are simply believers in the Word of God who will fight with you and for you. We thank the Lord for both medicine and medical professionals.


Ministry is Always Free

We do not charge for ministry. “Freely we have received. Freely we give.”