Note: The below hypothetical conversation arose out of a discussion of the truth of the promise in Psalm 103 that God “heals all your diseases” when we know so many people die from disease.

What is at work here, I believe, is the same dynamic as is applicable to the salvation promise. Consider: Jesus died for the sins of the whole world but few are actually saved. Why? Because of unbelief – most people, because of pride in their own righteousness, refuse to receive and apply the salvation promise by confessing and repenting, surrendering their life to Him, and declaring their belief in His resurrection. The same is the case for the healing promise. Healing has already been provided for all believers (Mat. 8:17; Ps. 103:3; 1 Pe. 2:24) through the authority over demons and disease Jesus has granted to believers. (“I give you authority over all demons and diseases.” Mat. 10:1; Luke 9:1; Luke 10:17-19). Nevertheless, few receive that truth and apply it. Certainly, many believers, even strong ones, fervently ask God for healing but, unfortunately, that is not the Scriptural approach. Believing that healing has already been provided, and obedience to the healing method He has modeled for us, i.e., taking command over the demon and disease and casting it out,  is the Scriptural approach. Unfortunately, instead of following the instruction by the Lord as to how to be healed, we follow the traditions of man and pray for healing when there is no example of praying for healing in the New Testament. Because we seek Him in our own way and on our own terms, and not His, we continue to suffer. WE DO NOT DO WHAT HE HAS EQUIPPED US TO DO AND TELLS US TO DO TO BE FREE AND HEALED, AND THAT IS TO REPENT OF ALL SIN, AND THEN CONFRONT AND COMMAND THE SATANIC ENEMY WHO AFFLICTS US IN THE AUTHORITY CHRIST HAS GIVEN US.

In other words, when we get sick we do not need to ask God to do more, and plead with Him to intervene. He already intervened 2000 years ago and His provision for our healing and freedom is complete and impeccable. What we need to do is instead to direct our attention to and attack the source of the disease – Satan and his horde, exactly as Jesus and the disciples did.

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A conversation between Jack, who believes in the Miracle Elixir, and Jill, who does not:

Jack: Jill, I’m sorry you are sick, but don’t you know about Dr. Rapha’s Miracle Elixir? It is guaranteed to “heal all your diseases.”

Jill: Well, if it heals all my diseases why aren’t I well?

Jack: Did you buy it?

Jill: No, I didn’t buy it. I didn’t know I had to. Doesn’t it say it “heals all your diseases”?

Jack: Yes, but you must first buy it and take as directed. Then it will heal all your diseases.

Jill: Oh, ok… But I think my Uncle George used it and he died last year from cancer so it definitely does not work.

Jack: Do you actually know that he used it or are you assuming he did from something you heard?

Jill: Well, I assume he did because my mom said he was interested in it and may have tried it.

Jack: It is not enough to try it, do you know whether he took it as directed and completed the treatment, like any other medicine?

Jill: I guess I don’t know… but I was with my cousin, Mary, when she bought some but she is still sick, so it definitely does not work.

Jack: Do you know for a fact that she took it as directed and completed the treatment?

Jill: Well, she lives in Jersey so I can’t be ABSOLUTELY sure, but I think so. I think my dad said she took the whole bottle, and he visited her a few days ago.

Jack: Do you know that it sometimes takes a few weeks for the symptoms to disappear, as the bottle says?

Jill: No, I didn’t know that… but I do for sure know that Gramps was sick for a ling time and he bought a bottle and definitely finished the bottle and had great hopes of being cured of his sickness. But he died even though he felt great at the end.

Jack: Wasn’t your grandfather in his mid-90s? Couldn’t it be that he really just passed away because of old age? A worn out body?

Jill: I suppose…but I do know for a fact that my friend’s sister-in-law’s college roommate got sick but died from a brain tumor and she took a whole bottle.

Jack: Do you know for a fact that she took it as directed?

Jill: Yes, most definitely, because my friend’s sister-in-law was at her bedside when she died and she said she did.

Jack: Even the last part of the directions of the bottle which say to be absolutely diligent to always take the medicine when wearing a white shirt with a picture of a dove?

Jill: Are you kidding? Jack, nobody believes that wearing a white shirt with a picture of a dove has anything to do with sickness. In fact, Jack, that’s the whole problem with the so-called “Miracle Elixir”! People are not foolish [Ed. Note: See 1 Cor. 1:18-31] or stupid. This is the 21st century. We are not superstitious neanderthals or medievals going around battling the spooky “No-seeums”, and the whole premise of the Miracle Elixir is that No-seeums cause sickness.

Jack: Yes, that is its premise, and that is why the white shirt with the dove is part of the treatment. For some reason, the No-seeums cannot bear to be in the presence of someone who takes the elixir as directed and who also wears a shirt like that with a dove. They seem to lose their power over time to afflict that person with sickness and they fade away.

Jill: Jack, wake up! Nobody in their right mind believes in the existence of No-seeums anymore. They are mythical! My pastor never even talks about them – they were never even mentioned in the Psych classes I took to get my masters. Do you really believe that stuff? Wow, I’m embarrassed for you.

Jack: All I know is that once I got very sick and I tried all the other medicines for my sickness and nothing helped. None of the medicines were advertised to be effective against the No-seeums. But I was so desperate, I read up on Dr. Rapha and how he stated that he was led to develop the elixir through divine revelation, and, as you know, he was a very good and compassionate man with a great faith in God. He stated that the sole source of our diseases was the No-seeums, and that other medicines only addressed some symptoms, often ineffectively, and never addressed the source. The Miracle Elixir addresses the symptoms and the source and taking it while wearing the white shirt with a dove picture somehow super-charges it. Both must be done to get well. And, in fact, it made me well…

Jill: Jack, that’s great that it made you well, but don’t you realize how stupid you sound? Please do not bring this up in polite conversation when I’m around, not even at church, especially not at church. I would be embarrassed to know you.

Jack: I understand, and I agree that most people would be embarrassed to believe as I do, and do as I did. But I do know this: ’Once I was blind and now I see.’ Once I was sick, and now I am well…I hope someday, Jill, that you can say the same.