Please consider the following when contemplating Healing/Deliverance Ministry:

  1. Healing Ministry is simply the Christ-modeled Scriptural method for getting emotionally and physically healed. Ministry seeks to eliminate the supernatural obstacles to a person receiving what God has already wonderfully and magnificently provided through Christ for His children – and by “children” I mean those born again of His Spirit.


  1. The objective of healing ministry is to draw a line under all that has gone before – the pain, the hurt, the trauma, the depression, and the heartache, but most of all the lies we have so fully bought into about God and ourselves. When we finally decide to confront our spiritual enemies, it is our declaration that


  • the Word of God, and not our own mind, is authoritative for our theology and our life
  • we are completely exhausted from trying to fix “it” all ourselves
  • we are desperate enough for “it” all to be fixed that we will surrender all to the Lord, who knows exactly what to do, and resolve to do it His way and not ours
  • convinced by Scripture of His will that we be free of all enemy oppression, we will exercise our will to persevere with every ounce of the strength He supplies until we see what God has promised thoroughly manifest in our lives and those of our children


  1. In healing ministry, we do not ask God for a favor, for to do so is nothing less than a faith-crushing exercise as we are led to self-examine to see how we stack up against others who we know also prayed but were not healed. Instead we go before the heavenly court of Justice and do what any good lawyer would do:




and thanks be to God, we certainly have one, for it is based upon the work on the cross that Christ has already done! Healing ministry, therefore, is not something one tries. It is something one does. Unless a person understands that freedom is his right in Christ, he will fade away at the first sign of the Enemy’s counter-attack. Those who are healed are the ones who are convinced from study that healing and freedom is their legal right in Christ and they will simply not let the Enemy steal it from them. This is one of the most important things for you to understand.


  1. If you have not been born again of the Spirit of God, the Scripture says that you remain as you were born into this world – a child of Adam and therefore a “child of wrath”, or one under the judgment of a Holy God, because you have not truly repented of your rebellion against Him. If that is your status, you are separated from His Promises, favor and blessing. Accordingly, the first thing you must do to prepare for your healing is to come before God and sincerely and thoroughly repent of your rebellion, give up that which is of the old life of self-centeredness, stress, sin, and obsession, and receive the new life in Christ that He longs to give you, and all the Peace, Joy, and Rest that comes with it. (If necessary, I will lead you in this prayer either prior to or at the first ministry session.) In this connection, please see the following articles from


  • What Really Happened at the First Christmas
  • A Gospel Q&A


  1. The Scripture makes it quite clear that we have very real, powerful, invisible, and malevolent enemies – Satan and his horde of “unclean spirits”, and that these spirits are responsible for many (if not all) of our emotional and physical afflictions. (In fact, many physical sicknesses stem from emotional issues, and to be healed of the former, the latter must be addressed during healing ministry. A good example of this is stress leading to ulcers.) The demonic enemies of God obtain and maintain their place in our lives by perpetuating lies about ourselves and God which they convince us are true, and which we then hold on to (e.g., sin is not really “sin”, God doesn’t love me, I’m cursed, I’m worthless and unlovable, I have no future, and related lies.) Unfortunately, you will not hear the topic of unclean spirits addressed in most Western churches today either because of a lack of knowledge or a fear of ridicule. Please see the following articles from


  • Our Authority Over Unclean Spirits and Disease
  • Savior and Healer: The Indivisibility of Christ


  1. If Scripture is not one’s authority for what is true, but instead one’s own mind is enthroned as the ultimate arbiter of Truth, and one rejects the Scriptural concept of Satan’s existence and responsibility for oppression because it does not conform to one’s (very limited) human understanding of reality, then that person will not be a good candidate for ministry. However, if Scripture is one’s sole authority, and one grasps the concept that healing is our right in Christ, and is willing to fight for it, then ministry if pursued is very likely to succeed. Please see the following articles from


  • The Problem of the Lie
  • Healing 101
  • The Anchor of the Soul


  1. We humans understand very little about what really goes on in the supernatural realm during healing ministry. Likely, this is because there is so much of supernatural reality that is quite bizarre to us and well beyond the human vocabulary or ability to conceptualize, thus making explanation impractical. We can theorize and speculate, as long as consistent with Scripture, based on our experiences, but must always remember that we don’t need to understand it all because “the battle is the Lord’s” as David said before attacking Goliath. We know this much – “our weapons are not carnal” but supernatural for the complete destruction of the Enemy’s supernatural strongholds in our lives.


  1. The Enemy seeks to keep us enslaved in fear – fearful of life, fearful of what people think, fearful of the future, fearful of the thought that unclean spirits may actually exist, and fearful of confronting them. Thus, the Enemy seeks to perpetuate its position in our lives through fear. In point of fact, it is all bluff, bluster, and intimidation, for if one has been born of God, he has been elevated with Christ to a position of superiority at the right hand of the Father far above these Enemies, and now has authority over them and they know it. They will do anything to keep us from realizing that and acting upon it, for when we do, their game is up and their days are numbered. Please see the following articles from


  • Our Authority Over Unclean Spirits and Diseases
  • Possession versus Oppression


  1. Healing is a process. It is a Holy War. God is not an ATM machine, standing ready at your beck and call to instantly relieve you of whatever oppresses you so that you can continue on in your rebellion against Him. He will first require your total surrender to Jesus as Lord. In addition, if your concept of healing ministry is being “zapped” by a guy in a white suit or sporting some bizarre hair-doo, you will not be prepared for the battle that you will face to get truly free and be whole and healed. Healing is hard work, but we remember that “the Lord is our strength”! Your initial ministry session will be your declaration of war against the Enemy who has already long been at war against you. He will not give up easily, but will resist until he is convinced that he has no future with you and must redeploy his forces elsewhere. You must be desperate enough and confident enough in the Lord and the ministry process to persevere until your healing fully manifests. Please see the following articles from


  • How to Receive and Keep Your Healing
  • Healing is God’s Justice
  • The Promises of God


  1. The Scripture says that “there is war in the Universe.” An Evil Prince (Satan) has rebelled against the Good King and has become the Ruler of this World, according to Christ Himself (Jhn 14:30). Therefore, we should not be surprised that the Enemy is organized militarily. During the course of Healing Ministry, the Holy Spirit will surface the Enemy and dismantle his organization or network. We will then eject the Enemy through the authority we have in the Great Name of Jesus which we have been given to use. This process is low-key and painless – it is not like what Hollywood or TV depicts. Nevertheless, it is very, very real. You will know that the Lord has fought for you and a battle has taken place. At the conclusion of a ministry session, you may feel “light” or joyous or perhaps a bit “washed up” or empty because of the new vacancy – regardless, we will call upon the Holy Spirit to fill the void created by the Enemy’s departure and He will.


  1. Your ability to receive the Lord’s healing is directly related to your desperation to be healed, and your expectation of His healing you is based upon your knowledge of His healing promises. It may be that if your emotional or physical oppression is not especially severe, you can sort of muddle through life, even if a born-again believer. But “muddling through” is far from God’s hope for you in Christ. We are to “reign in life through the man, Jesus Christ” who lives in us and is our “hope of Glory.” If God has placed in your heart the desire for the higher life – healed, joyous, and whole, then by all means come to Him to actively receive through Scriptural ministry in His Name that which He longs for you to have! Please see the following articles from


  • How to Have Mountain-Moving Faith


Finally, please also read and understand 1 Cor. 18-31; 1 Cor. 2(all); and 2 Kings 5(all). These verses attest to the fact that it is the “foolishness” of God that is the power of God, and it is the power of God that sets us free. This is fundamental to understand.

Blessings in the Mighty Name above all names…